Breezy Brighton Open

10th – 12th January 2025.



Prize draw for all those who complete the questionnaire

Brighton Breezy Open


10th – 12th January 2025


The Old Ship Hotel


The long standing post Xmas ‘Breezy Brighton Open’ will be held once again in January 2025. It has been growing back from lows before Covid mostly due to it’s return to the Old Ship Hotel.

It will however once again be restricted to 80 Masters players (78 attended in 2024) and increased to 80 in the Intermediates (albeit only 49 in 2024) Total 160

The event will again be held at The Old Ship Hotel and we will again arranged for discounted room rates. Use code: TBC (last years rates below)

1 Night @ £100    Single occupancy

2 Nights @ £160

3 Nights @ £225

Double occupancy rates increase £10 per night

Longer stays are available, ask Hotel for best rates.

Tel: 01273 329001

Friday 10th January 2025


Will be around all day with fun side events if you get here early.

Hopefully everyone will have registered and paid up beforehand, registration shuts at 6pm.

Warm-up (5 points)

To be a straight knockout with side pools.

Players losing in the first round will be entered into a consolation knockout (5 points) with an added prize of £100 to the winner.

Super Jackpot  to commence at same time as warm-up, 11 point matches. Entry fee ~£200 (10% rake) with side pools. probably 8 players, maybe 16 to be confirmed. Prize money and pools to be split 65/35

There will be some online qualifiers for the Super Jackpot 8/16 player

Saturday 11th January 2025


Everyone must arrive by 10.00am and already be fully paid up ready to commence, the draw will be announced after any announcements. Penalty points will be imposed after 10.45 and thereafter every 5 minutes until 5 points loses match.

Play starts at 10.30 am with a Double elimination progressive swiss of 9 point matches, Clock mandatory (14mins Bank/12secs per point). There will be no breaks allowed during matches unless players time remains running. Emergence breaks only.

With 64/80 player draw, after 6 or 7 rounds there will be one player undefeated, who will then sit out and wait for the others to fight until a second finalist is found (there maybe late byes).  Undefeated finalist will gain a winning bonus as there will only be one final (this will be 9 points).

As players lose second life they will enter a progressive Consolation (5 point matches) (8mins Bank/ 12 seconds per point).

Enjoy the rest of the day doing what you want or;

Consultation Doubles Evening @ 7.30pm  5 point matches hopefully 3 rounds played in evening with any further round played Sunday. Players may only enter if not playing in other main events

Super Jackpot  Completion of Super Jackpot rounds which commenced on the Friday.

You may not enter Doubles if still in the Super Jackpot or Main event unless you have managed to complete your matches by 7pm Saturday (or can be organised on Sunday)

Sunday 12th January 2025


10.30 am continuation of both Main / Second Chance and Consolation rounds.

1.00 pm Farewell to Brighton knockouts/ will commence with players added as losing in Consolation up until 3pm.

Hopefully all matches will be completed by 8 pm but could go on till later.

It would be great if players could hang around Sunday evening for a relaxing drink and maybe some Chouette after the event.



Located centrally in the south Laines of Brighton.

Entry Fees and Payout


Registration Fee

£45 Masters and £40 Intermediates



Warm up Entry £10 with optional side pools £10, £25

Super Jackpot if enough interest for a draw of 8/16 (10% rake on entry)

Main Double Elimination Continuous swiss

Intermediates £50 Entry (with optional side pools £10, £25)

Masters £50 Entry (with optional side pools £25, £50.£100 and £200)

You may enter any two adjacent side pools. Side pools are paid out to the furthest progression in each level. 

Progressive Consolation.

Masters and Intermediate Side pools £10 and £20

Main entry fee split:

78% main (Undefeated bonus 5%), 37% Winner, 19% Finalist 11% 3rd, 6% 4th)

22% Consolation (12% Winner 5% Finalist. 2.5% Semis)

Consultation Doubles £50 per team with optional side pools £20 £50

Farewell Knockouts.

All players out of main event and Consolation by 3pm Sunday merged together £200 added, Side pool £10 or £20

Will be a progressive continuous swiss knockout with players added after first two rounds as dropping out of consolation.

(players attending just for Sunday can enter £20 entry fee plus side pools)

Side pools. paid out 65/35% to those progressing furthest in events.

Win a board


There will be a Cocoon Travel-plus board to win during the main events for anyone that wants to enter an additional £5 board pool. The player to progress furthest in the main events who enters the pool will win the board.

There will also be a separate 3 point (32 player) knockouts with rebuys to win:

Cocoon Tournament board. Entry fee £10

A Gunduz Tournament pure wood board Entry fee £15

An Artgammon Tournament board Entry £15

There maybe additional 32 player knockouts board events on demand