Local events
Do you play Backgammon or Tavla?
We understand that many people, play or have played the game in the past and that many especially of Greek, Turkish and other middle eastern origins play only the traditional game that has been around for thousands of years.
Would you like to meet others in the local area to play the game?
We are planning some free to attend meet-up events in the south laines
We will play cube-less traditional Tavla, Tavli, Takhteh, Tawla and introduce players to the rules of modern day tournament backgammon.
Bring a board if you have one, some boards will be provided.
Hopefully we will interest new players to join us in our regular backgammon club and other events. We usually meet on a Tuesday evening in Kemptown at the Sidewinder Pub and also Sunday afternoons at Rybka or the Fortune of war.
Next Meeting dates:
23rd January 2023 @6pm onwards
2nd February 2023 @6pm onwards

Meeting House Lane, South Laines, Brighton